Prawn Crackers

  • kr 22

A popular snack throughout the Philippines, Besuto Prawn Crackers come from the family of Kropek and the large variety of this delicacy can be traced from the S

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Stock: 10
Article Number: 588

A popular snack throughout the Philippines, Besuto Prawn Crackers come from the family of Kropek and the large variety of this delicacy can be traced from the Southeast Asian region.

Prawn Crackers ingredients

A chief contribution of the Besuto prawn cracker forefathers was the recipe of these translucent cracklings. Real prawns, flour and cassava are its major ingredients. Among its new, unique flavors that you would crave for are the Onion & Garlic, Garlic and Soy, Shoyu, and Hot Spice.

Räkor Crackers ingredienser

Vad innehåller den?
Ett viktigt bidrag från Besuto räkknäckarfäder var receptet på dessa genomskinliga sprickor. Riktiga räkor, mjöl och kassava är dess viktigaste ingredienser. Bland dess nya, unika smaker som du skulle längta efter är lök & vitlök, vitlök och soja, shoyu och varm krydda.