Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise 470 ml

  • kr 139

Product descriptionLady's Choice Real Mayonnaise is packed with quality ingredients. Made with healthy oils, a rich blend of spices and real eggs. Lady's Choice

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Article Number: 464

Product description

Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise is packed with quality ingredients. Made with healthy oils, a rich blend of spices and real eggs. Lady's Choice Real Mayonnaise makes sure you give your family the 100% real love that makes everyday food special. Available in 470ml pack.
Pickle Relish, Real Eggs, Soy Bean Oil

No.Nutrition Fact InfoValue
1Amount Per Serving15 servings
2Servings Per Container29 servings
3Total Fat Amount Per Portion11 g
4Saturated Fat Amount Per Portion
5Trans Fat Amount0 g
6Polyunsaturated Fat Amount6.0 g
7Monounsaturated Fat Amount2.0 g
8Cholesterol Amount10 mg
9Total Carbohydrate Amount Per Portion1 g
10Dietary Fiber Amount0 g
11Sugars Amount Per Portion< 1
12Protein Amount Per Portion0 g

Näringsfakta Info Värde
1 mängd per portion 15 portioner
2 portioner per behållare 29 portioner
3 Total fettmängd per portion 11 g
4 mättat fettbelopp per portion
5 Transfett mängd 0 g
6 fleromättad fettmängd 6,0 g
7 enkelomättad fettmängd 2,0 g
8 Kolesterol Mängd 10 mg
9 Totalt kolhydratmängd per portion 1 g
10 Kostfiber Mängd 0 g
11 sockerarter per portion < 1
12 Proteinmängd per portion 0 g